5 Tips How to Set Clear Expectations

Too often in leadership we do not communicate our purpose and goals to others we are working with, but instead leave them unsure what to do and how to do it. This results in hesitation, indecision, lack of performance and miscommunication in the workplace. In the home/relationships outside of work, a lack of clarity also results in misinterpretations and unmet needs which can drive a huge crevice in the relationship.


Properly setting expectations with others will set standards for excellence and results, as well as understanding, compassion and teamwork!


Here are 5 tips on how to do that:


1. Start with a vision of what you want the end result to look like. Not just what you want done, but the results you want to achieve when completed.


2. Keep your focus on the desired outcomes, not on describing each and every step to follow. Your goal is to guide, not control. Seek out the strengths of those around you! Letting individuals find their own route encourages them to use their strengths to their fullest potential.


3. Tie your mission to the tasks. We can leverage motivation in others by having a common mission and connecting that to how one will feel when they achieve this. We all want to know that what we are doing, whether large or small, makes a difference.


4. Give feedback—and often! Feedback given along the way sounds more like coaching, thana punishment. Make sure to communicate feedback appropriately – meaning non defensively and using clear language.


5. Give positive reinforcement (and don’t mix negative and positive). Mention the thing you like and you’ll get more of it. Be specific and prompt. A smile goes a long way too!

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